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Taipei Climate Analysis

Average Temperature

Average High and Low Temperature in Taipei.png

In Taipei, the hot season spans approximately 3.3 months, commencing from June 7 to September 15. Throughout this period, daily high temperatures typically exceed 87°F on average. July emerges as the hottest month, characterized by an average high of around 92°F and a low of approximately 80°F.

Average Daily Incident Shortwave Solar Energy  

Average Daily Incident Shortwave Solar Energy in Taipei.png


The brighter period  spans approximately 5.9 months, running from April 1 to September 29, during which the average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter exceeds 4.9 kWh. July stands out as the brightest month of the year in Taipei, with an average of 5.4 kWh.

Humidity Comfort Levels

Average Wind Speed                                                        

Humidity Comfort Levels in Taipei.png
Average Wind Speed in Taipei.png

In Taipei, the hot season spans approximately 3.3 months, commencing from June 7 to September 15. Throughout this period, daily high temperatures typically exceed 87°F on average. July emerges as the hottest month, characterized by a period of increased humidity that spans approximately 8.0 months, from March 25 to November 27, during which the comfort level is classified as muggy, oppressive, or miserable for at least 26% of the time. July stands out as the month with the highest number of muggy days in Taipei, totalling 31.0 days categorized as muggy or worse. The highest temperature is around 92°F, and the low is approximately 80°F.

The wind period extends over approximately 6.5 months, lasting from September 7 to March 25, with average wind speeds exceeding 10.8 miles per hour. November is the windiest month of the year in Taipei, with an average hourly wind speed of 14.3 miles per hour.

Average Monthly Rainfall

Hours of Daylight and Twilight

Average Monthly Rainfall in Taipei.png
Hours of Daylight and Twilight in Taipei.png

Rainfall occurs consistently throughout the year in Taipei. September stands out as the month with the highest rainfall, averaging 7.8 inches. Conversely, January experiences the least rainfall in Taipei, with an average of 2.5 inches.

The duration of daylight in Taipei varies throughout the year. In 2024, the shortest day occurs on December 21st, featuring 10 hours and 35 minutes of daylight. Conversely, the longest day was on June 21st, offering 13 hours and 42 minutes of daylight.

Daily Chance of Precipitation

Cloud Cover Categories 

Daily Chance of Precipitation in Taipei.png
Cloud Cover Categories in Taipei.png

A day is considered wet in Taipei if it receives at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation. The probability of experiencing wet days in Taipei varies  throughout the year.

In Taipei, there is noticeable seasonal variation in the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds throughout the year.

All charts are reserved by Weather Spark 2024 

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